Emmanuel Farms' goal is to provide a quality atmosphere for adults who enjoy riding horses. We have a family atmosphere and enjoy working in the arena and trail riding. We also enjoy going on weekend campouts. Our prices are still affordable to allow people to enjoy the pleasure and fun of owning horses.

Currently, we offer pasture and stall board with several different options to choose from. All board includes hay and use of the facilities at Emmanuel Farms.

Pasture Board

Pasture Board - Horses are fed twice daily, free graze grass in the summer and hay rolls in the winter.


Stall Board

Stall Board - Same package as pasture board, but stall is provided (includes bedding and cleaning); horses are brought in when there are extreme weather conditions (below freezing or above 100 degrees) for a fee of $5.00 per occurrence.
Stall Board, Extra Large Stalls or Stalls with Paddocks - Same package as pasture board, but stall is provided (includes bedding and cleaning); horses are brought in when there are extreme weather conditions (below freezing or above 100 degrees) for a fee of $5.00 per occurrence.
Additional Fee Summer Stalling - If you have stall board and wish to have your horse stalled during the day during summer months, includes fan.
Additional Fee Winter Stalling - If you have stall board and wish to have your horse stalled overnight during winter months.

Emmanuel Farms • Tallahassee, Florida • (850) 402-0266 (home) • (850) 339-7664 (mobile)